God intends for every marriage to reflect His love.

How can followers of Christ become intentional about building a God-honoring marriage? We must understand that every marriage is intended to be a masterpiece reflecting THE marriage between God and His people. Faith@Home Pointers provide a biblical perspective on the most common family seasons and challenges, along with recommended resources and ministries available at Austin Chinese Church for additional support. Through these resources, they provide guidance on how to pursue a God-centered marriage by giving oneself to a husband or wife through mutual submission and faithful devotion.

Below are options to a wide variety of tools available to help those in any life season take steps toward creating a God-honoring marriage.

Resources For You


Life Stages

To build a lasting, God-honoring marriage, couples will need to navigate through different stages. Life Stage Pointers are simple guides that provide direction and encouragement for every specific life season, including singleness, engagement, marriage, and children.

Special Circumstances

Those who marry will have troubles. That’s what Paul told the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 7:28). There will be certain situations that may come up in a marriage. However, God is in the business of helping couples redeem what many would see as a difficult situation.

Idea Cards

Idea Cards make it easy for couples, parents and grandparents to take one small step to become more intentional at home, including marriage date nights, family time activities, connecting with your teen, mealtime conversations, movie night chats, etc.