What is Faith@Home?


“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” - Deuteronomy 6:7

Faith@Home is designed for our members at Austin Chinese Church to grow more intentional in creating a God-honoring home. We believe that spiritually healthy families are the foundation of a united church. We are committed to building God-centered marriages and families whose members love one another, following the example of Christ. We offer resources to help families take simple steps to make development easily accessible and implemented. These resources are also available at the Faith@Home Center on-site location.

Want to stay connected?

Our newsletter will be a platform that shares resources and testimonies to help our church community grow and find practical applications that will make development easily accessible and implemented. We welcome you to sign up for our newsletter below!


How We Can Help

Faith@Home exists to create a culture of intentional families using three simple objectives.

Make it Easy

We hope to make it easy for you to become intentional at home by providing bite-sized, life-season specific ideas and resources.

Make it Likely

We hope to make it more likely that you will become intentional by nudging you to incorporate holy habits into your existing family-life routines. 

Give it a Clear Path

We coach parents to nurture the faith of their children one step at a time using birthday specific Faith Path kits.

My Faith@Home Plan


We encourage families to take the Faith@Home appraisal several times a year to help you assess how intentional you have been at home and what small steps you can take next.



Assess your own level of intentionality over the past couple of months.


Create a Faith@Home plan for the next couple of months.

Faith@Home Resources

Faith@Home offers a wide variety of guides available to help those in any stage of life to take steps toward creating a God-honoring home. We encourage you to explore our Assessments, Pointers, Idea Cards, Initiatives, Faith Path Kits, and Faith-Filled Holidays online or at the Faith@Home center on-site. For more detailed information, click on the complete overview guide below to see what resources are offered.